Sample data¶
The package includes several sample data sets to show how to interact with the API. You do not need to get your data into the same format as these data, but doing so will likely make it simpler to use sandplover, and to get the most benefit from the tools included here.
The sample data are defined in sandplover.sample_data
The sample data cubes can be accessed as, for example:
>>> import sandplover as spl
>>> golfcube =
Data is handled by pooch and will be downloaded and cached on local computer as needed.
Available information on the data cubes is enumerated in the following section.
Example data cubes¶
Golf Delta dataset.
This is a synthetic delta dataset generated from the pyDeltaRCM numerical model. This model run was created to generate sample data. Model was run on 10/14/2021, at the University of Texas at Austin.
Run was computed with pyDeltaRCM v2.1.0. See log file for complete information on system and model configuration.
Data available at Zenodo,
- Version history:
v1.1: 10.5281/zenodo.5570962
v1.0: 10.5281/zenodo.4456144
Source code
- sandplover.sample_data.xslope()¶
xslope delta dataset.
The delta model runs in this dataset were executed in support of a demonstration and teaching clinic. The set of simualtions examines the effect of a basin with cross-stream slope on the progradation of a delta system.
This sample data provides two datasets. Calling this function returns two
.Models were run on 02/21/2022, at the University of Texas at Austin.
Runs were computed with pyDeltaRCM v2.1.2. See log files for complete information on system and model configuration.
Data available at Zenodo, version 1.1:
- Version history:
v1.0: 10.5281/zenodo.6226448
v1.1: 10.5281/zenodo.6301362
Source code
)- Returns:
xslope0 – First return, a
with flat basin.xslope1 – Second return, a
with sloped basin in the cross-stream direction. Slope is 0.001 m/m, with elevation centered at channel inlet.
- sandplover.sample_data.aeolian()¶
An aeolian dune field dataset.
This is a synthetic delta dataset generated from the Swanson et al., 2017 “A Surface Model for Aeolian Dune Topography” numerical model. The data have been subsetted, only keeping the first 500 saved timesteps, and formatted into a netCDF file.
Swanson, T., Mohrig, D., Kocurek, G. et al. A Surface Model for Aeolian Dune Topography. Math Geosci 49, 635–655 (2017).
Dataset reference:
- Details:
default simualtion parameters were used.
only the first 500 timesteps of the simulation were recorded into the netcdf file.
the ordering for “easting” and “northing” coordinates in the netCDF file is opposite from the paper—that is the source region is along the second axis, i.e.,
. The display of this dataset is thus different from the original paper, but the data are the same.simulation used the model code included as a supplement to the paper found here:
simulation was executed on 12/02/2021 with Matlab R2021a on Ubuntu 20.04.
Source code
- sandplover.sample_data.landsat()¶
Landsat image dataset.
This is a set of satellite images from the Landsat 5 satellite, collected over the Krishna River delta, India. The dataset includes annual-composite scenes from four different years ([1995, 2000, 2005, 2010]) and includes data collected from four bands ([‘Red’, ‘Green’, ‘Blue’, ‘NIR’]).
Source code
- sandplover.sample_data.rcm8()¶
Rcm8 Delta dataset.
This is a synthetic delta dataset generated from the pyDeltaRCM numerical model. Unfortunately, we do not know the specific version of pyDeltaRCM the model run was executed with. Moreover, many new coupling features have been added to pyDeltaRCM and sandplover since this run. As a result, this dataset is slated to be deprecated at some point, in favor of the
If you are learning to use sandplover or developing new codes or documentation, please use the
delta dataset.Warning
This cube may be removed in future releases.
Source code
- sandplover.sample_data.savi2020()¶
Dataset from No Change 2 experiment in Savi et al., 2020.
This is a dataset from one of the physical experiments conducted as part of the work presented in Savi et al., 2020. Specifically, these data are from the No Change 2 (NC2) experiment. Two netCDF files have been prepared, one containing a subset of the overhead imagery collected during the experiment at a temporal resolution of roughly one image a minute (the full dataset is closer to an image every 20 seconds). The second file contains the topographic scan data which was taken once every 30 minutes.
Savi, Sara, et al. “Interactions between main channels and tributary alluvial fans: channel adjustments and sediment-signal propagation.” Earth Surface Dynamics 8.2 (2020): 303-322.
Physical experiments on interactions between main-channels and tributary alluvial fans. S. Savi, Tofelde, A. Wickert, A. Bufe, T. Schildgen, and M. Strecker.
This sample data provides two datasets. Calling this function returns two
objects.Data available at Zenodo, version 1.1:
- Version history:
v1.1: 10.5281/zenodo.7080126
v1.0: 10.5281/zenodo.7047109
Source code
)- Returns:
img – First return, a
with subset overhead imagery.scans – Second return, a
with topographic scan data.
Paths to data files¶
The file path to each sample data cube can be accessed by a call to sample_data._get_xxxxxx_path() for the corresponding data set.
>>> spl.sample_data._get_golf_path()