
class sandplover.plan.OpeningAnglePlanform(*args, **kwargs)

Planform for handling the Shaw Opening Angle Method.

This Planform (called OAP for short) is a wrapper/handler for the input and output from the shaw_opening_angle_method(). The OAP is a convenient way to manage extraction of a shoreline or a delta topset area.

Moreover, the OAP can be used as the input for many types of Mask objects, so it is often computationally advantageous to compute this Planform once, and then use it to create many different types of masks.


Instantiate the OpeningAnglePlanform from an inverted binary mask of elevation data (i.e., from an ElevationMask).

Note that the below example is the most verbose method for creating the OAP. Consider available static methods.

(Source code, png, hires.png)

__init__(*args, **kwargs)




needs docstring.


__init__(*args, **kwargs)


from_ElevationMask(elevation_mask, **kwargs)

Create an OpeningAnglePlanform from an ElevationMask.


Create directly from arrays.

from_elevation_data(elevation_data, **kwargs)

Create an OpeningAnglePlanform from elevation data.

from_mask(UnknownMask, **kwargs)

Wraps from_ElevationMask.

show([var, ax, title, ticks, colorbar, ...])

Show the planform.



Mask for below sea level pixels.


Alias to opening_angles.


The public data field.


Planform name.


Maximum opening angle view of the sea from a pixel.


Alias to opening_angles.


Planform shape.


Slice the planform.

Implements basic slicing for SpecialtyPlanform by passing the slc to I.e., the returned slice is[slc].

property below_mask

Mask for below sea level pixels.

This is the starting point for the Opening Angle Method solution.

See figure in main docstring for visual example.

property composite_array

Alias to opening_angles.

This is the array that a contour is extracted from using some threshold value when making land and shoreline masks.

property data

The public data field.

This attribute must be implemented as an alias to another attribute. The choice of field is up to the developer.

static from_ElevationMask(elevation_mask, **kwargs)

Create an OpeningAnglePlanform from an ElevationMask.


Keyword arguments are passed to the OpeningAnglePlanform, and thus passed to shaw_opening_angle_method().


ElevationMask (ElevationMask) – The ElevationMask to be used to create the OpeningAnglePlanform.


>>> from sandplover.mask import ElevationMask
>>> from sandplover.plan import OpeningAnglePlanform
>>> from sandplover.sample_data.sample_data import golf
>>> golfcube = golf()
>>> _EM = ElevationMask(golfcube["eta"][-1, :, :], elevation_threshold=0)
>>> OAP = OpeningAnglePlanform.from_ElevationMask(_EM)
static from_arrays(*args)

Create directly from arrays.


not implemented.

static from_elevation_data(elevation_data, **kwargs)

Create an OpeningAnglePlanform from elevation data.

This process creates an ElevationMask from the input elevation array, and proceeds to make the OAP from the below sea level mask.


Keyword arguments are passed to the ElevationMask and to the OpeningAnglePlanform, and thus passed to shaw_opening_angle_method().


The elevation_threshold argument is implicitly required in this method, because it is required to instantiate an ElevationMask from elevation data.


elevation_data (ndarray) – The elevation data to create the ElevationMask that is in turn used to create the OpeningAnglePlanform.


>>> from sandplover.plan import OpeningAnglePlanform
>>> from sandplover.sample_data.sample_data import golf
>>> golfcube = golf()
>>> OAP = OpeningAnglePlanform.from_elevation_data(
...     golfcube["eta"][-1, :, :], elevation_threshold=0
... )
static from_mask(UnknownMask, **kwargs)

Wraps from_ElevationMask.

property name

Planform name.

Helpful to differentiate multiple Planform objects.

property opening_angles

Maximum opening angle view of the sea from a pixel.

See figure in main docstring for visual example.

property sea_angles

Alias to opening_angles.

This alias is implemented for backwards compatability, and should not be relied on. Use opening_angles instead.

property shape

Planform shape.

show(var=None, ax=None, title=None, ticks=False, colorbar=True, colorbar_label=False)

Show the planform.

Display a field of the planform, called by attribute name.

  • var (str) – Which field to show. Must be an attribute of the planform. show will look for another attribute describing the VariableInfo for that attribute named self._<var>_varinfo and use that to style the plot, if found. If this VariableInfo is not found, the default is used.

  • label (bool, str, optional) – Display a label of the variable name on the plot. Default is False, display nothing. If label=True, the label name from the VariableSet is used. Other arguments are attempted to coerce to str, and the literal is diplayed.

  • colorbar (bool, optional) – Whether a colorbar is appended to the axis.

  • colorbar_label (bool, str, optional) – Display a label of the variable name along the colorbar. Default is False, display nothing. If label=True, the label name from the VariableSet is used. Other arguments are attempted to coerce to str, and the literal is diplayed.

  • ax (Axes object, optional) – A matplotlib Axes object to plot the section. Optional; if not provided, a call is made to plt.gca() to get the current (or create a new) Axes object.