Planview operations

The package makes available functions relating to planview operations on data.

The functions are defined in sandplover.plan.


There is a complete Planform Subject Guide about the organization of this area of sandplover and examples for how to use and compute planform objects and metrics.

Planform types

Basic data Planform

Planform(*args[, z, t, idx])

Basic Planform object.

Specialty Planforms

OpeningAnglePlanform(*args, **kwargs)

Planform for handling the Shaw Opening Angle Method.

MorphologicalPlanform(*args, **kwargs)

Planform for handling the morphological method.



Compute land (delta) area.

compute_shoreline_roughness(shore_mask, ...)

Compute shoreline roughness.

compute_shoreline_length(shore_mask[, ...])

Compute the length of a shoreline from a mask of the shoreline.

compute_shoreline_distance(shore_mask[, ...])

Compute mean and stddev distance from the delta apex to the shoreline.

compute_channel_width(channelmask[, ...])

Compute channel width from a mask and section.

compute_channel_depth(channelmask, depth[, ...])

Compute channel depth from a mask and section.

compute_surface_deposit_time(data[, surface_idx])

Compute the time of last deposition for a single time.

compute_surface_deposit_age(data, ...)

Compute the age (i.e., how much time ago) the surface was deposited.

shaw_opening_angle_method(below_mask[, ...])

Extract the opening angle map from an image.


Compute an average morphological map from an image,