
sandplover.plan.compute_shoreline_length(shore_mask, origin=(0, 0), return_line=False)

Compute the length of a shoreline from a mask of the shoreline.

Algorithm attempts to determine the sorted coordinates of the shoreline from a ShorelineMask.


Imperfect algorithm, which may not include all True pixels in the ShorelineMask in the determined shoreline.

  • shore_mask (ShorelineMask, ndarray) – Shoreline mask. Can be a ShorelineMask object, or a binarized array.

  • origin (list, np.ndarray, optional) – Determines the location from where the starting point of the line sorting is initialized. The starting point of the line is determined as the point nearest to origin. For non-standard data configurations, it may be important to set this to an appropriate value. Default is [0, 0].

  • return_line (bool) – Whether to return the sorted line as a second argument. If True, a Nx2 array of x-y points is returned. Default is False.


  • length (float) – Shoreline length, computed as described above.

  • line (np.ndarray) – If return_line is True, the shoreline, as an Nx2 array of x-y points, is returned.


Compare the length of the shoreline early in the model simulation with the length later. Here, we use the elevation_offset parameter (passed to ElevationMask) to better capture the topography of the pyDeltaRCM model results.

(Source code, png, hires.png)
