
class sandplover.strat.MeshStratigraphyAttributes(elev, **kwargs)

Attribute set for mesh stratigraphy information, emebdded into a DataCube.

This object stores attributes of stratigraphy as a “mesh”, only retaining the minimal necessary information to represent the stratigraphy. Contrast this with Boxy stratigraphy.


Some descriptions regarding implementation.

_psvd_idxndarray of bool

Preserved index into the section array.


Elevation of preserved voxels, filled to vertical extent with the final elevation of the bed (i.e., to make it displayable by pcolormesh).


Row index for sparse matrix of preserved strata. I.e., which row in the stratigraphy matrix each voxel “winds up as”.


Column index for sparse matrix of preserved strata. I.e., which column in the stratigraphy matrix each voxel “winds up as”. This is kind of just a dummy to make the api consistent with _i, because the column cannot change with preservation.

__init__(elev, **kwargs)

We can precompute several attributes of the stratigraphy, including which voxels are preserved, what their row indicies in the sparse stratigraphy matrix are, and what the elevation of each elevation entry in the final stratigraphy are. This allows placing of any t-x-y stored variable into the section.


elev – elevation t-x-y array to compute from

Keyword Arguments:
  • load (bool, optional) – Whether to load the eta array into memory before computation. For especially large data files, load should be False to keep the file on disk; note on-disk computation is considerably slower.

  • sigma_dist (ndarray, float, int, optional) – Optional subsidence distance argument that is used to adjust the elevation data to account for subsidence when computing stratigraphy. See _adjust_elevation_by_subsidence for a complete description.


__init__(elev, **kwargs)

We can precompute several attributes of the stratigraphy, including which voxels are preserved, what their row indicies in the sparse stratigraphy matrix are, and what the elevation of each elevation entry in the final stratigraphy are.







Boolean array indicating preservation.


Nmber of preserved voxels per x-y.


__call__(_dir, _x0, _x1)

Get a slice out of the stratigraphy attributes.

Used for building section variables.

  • _dir (str) – Which direction to slice. If ‘section’, then _x0 is the _coordinates to slice in the domain length, and _x1 is the coordinates _to slice in the domain width direction.

  • _x0

  • _x1


strat_attr – Dictionary containing useful information for sections and plans derived from the call.

Return type:


property preserved_index

Boolean array indicating preservation.

True where data is preserved in final stratigraphy.



property preserved_voxel_count

Nmber of preserved voxels per x-y.

X-Y array indicating number of preserved voxels per x-y pair.

