
sandplover.strat.compute_boxy_stratigraphy_coordinates(elev, sigma_dist=None, z=None, dz=None, nz=None, return_cube=False, return_strata=False)

Process t-x-y data volume to boxy stratigraphy coordinates.

This function computes the corresponding preservation of t-x-y coordinates in a dense 3D volume of stratigraphy, as z-x-y coordinates. This “mapping” is able to be computed only once, and used many times to synthesize a cube of preserved stratigraphy from an arbitrary t-x-y dataset.

  • elev (ndarray) – The t-x-y ndarray of elevation data to determine stratigraphy.

  • sigma_dist (ndarray, float, int, optional) – Optional subsidence distance argument used to adjust the elevation data to account for subsidence when computing stratigraphy. See _adjust_elevation_by_subsidence for a complete description.

  • z (ndarray, optional) – Vertical coordinates for stratigraphy, in meters. Optional, and mutually exclusive with dz and nz, see _determine_strat_coordinates for complete description.

  • dz (float, optional) – Vertical resolution of stratigraphy, in meters. Optional, and mutually exclusive with z and nz, see _determine_strat_coordinates for complete description.

  • nz (int, optional) – Number of intervals for vertical coordinates of stratigraphy. Optional, and mutually exclusive with z and dz, see _determine_strat_coordinates for complete description.

  • return_cube (boolean, optional) –

    Whether to return the stratigraphy as a FrozenStratigraphyCube instance. Default is False, do not return a cube.


    not implemented!

  • return_strata (boolean, optional) – Whether to return the stratigraphy elevations, as returned from internal computations in _compute_elevation_to_preservation. Default is False, do not return strata.


  • stratigraphy_cube (StratigraphyCube) – Not Implemented.

  • strata_coords (ndarray) – An N x 3 array of z-x-y coordinates where information is preserved in the boxy stratigraphy. Rows in strat_coords correspond with rows in data_coords. See _compute_preservation_to_cube for computation implementation.

  • data_coords (ndarray) – An N x 3 array of t-x-y coordinates where information is to be extracted from the data array. Rows in data_coords correspond with rows in strat_coords. See _compute_preservation_to_cube for computation implementation.

  • strata (ndarray) – A t-x-y ndarray of stratal surface elevations. Returned as third argument only if return_strata=True.